The Norwest Sgurramblers are a club of hill
walking enthusiasts with regular trips to the
Scottish Highlands , also occasionally visiting the
borders, to climb Munros and Corbetts or just to
enjoy the high wild places to be found there.
Although the vast majority of our meets are in
Scotland we have also had meets in Eire, the
European Alps and the Pyrenees We have been in
existence since 1975 and have members from
the whole of the UK, and although we have no
founder members there are some who have
been in the club for over 30 years.
We get together throughout the year in
Scotland , in addition we have an AGM south of
the border in Wales, the Lake District or the
Dales. Meets vary in length from 3 - 4 days up
to a week long .
A typical days walking on a Sgurramblers
meet will be between about 5 and 8 hours,
between about 6 and
12 miles of walking and
2500 and 4500 ft of
ascent, this varies
depending on the
terrain, weather, snow
conditions if any, time
of year, and personal preference. Some
members may do considerably more than
this on occasions. We are not rock climbers
or ice climbers and we don't do any roped
climbing except on the odd occasion when
we have hired a guide on Skye . Meets are
very informal with no fixed programme -
people are free to walk where they want,
transport permitting.
Current members have a vast amount
of experience between them , which
they would be happy to share . Several
have completed all the Munros, some
have climbed all the Corbetts, and some
just like a good day out in the hills
So if you’re a die hard Munro
bagger, a Corbett collector
or just like to be in high wild
country with like minded
people - Why not give us a
try ?